In this section you will find some codes you can use to link back to "Emerald Gaze".If you have a website and submit it when you join the fanlisting, make sure you put one of these codes in your website. Also text links are allowed.
Link back to the following URL:
If you use one of these codes, please remember to upload them to your own server. Don't forget either to have it on your site in a week time after you join (or before), if you want your site to be listed.
Available Sizes
|31x88| |50x50| |75x50| |88x31| |100x50| |200x40|
Click here to send me your donations. You can send as many as you want. Every donation is welcome!
Of course I'll give you credit on this section when I publish your/s donation/s.
If you have a website, and want me to link back to it when giving credits, please don't forget to write down your website's URL in your message. Thank you! ^^