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[ l o n e l y - p r i n c e s s . O R G ]
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[ t f l . o r g ] [ f a n l i s t ] [ a b o u t ] [ c o d e s ]

Hi, brave warrior

You've just stepped into Ring, the TFL and TAFL approved fanlisting for the relationship between Alicia & Rufus, two of the main characters from Valkyrie Profile 2 ~ Silmeria which is, for me, one of the best RPGs ever made.

One of the main things that made this game so special to me was, without a doubt, the relationship between these awesome characters. And so, I'm truly honored to be the owner of a fanlisting focusing on any aspect of their unique relationship.

If you happen to be a fan of any aspect of the relationship between these two, please, consider joining this fanlisting and, if you own a website, showing your love with one of out codes.

Now feel free to take a look around and make yourselves at home! <3 Enjoy your stay~!

Fan Listing Statistics

♣ Member Count : 19 (+ 0 pending)
♣ Newest Member : Yumi

♣ Opened : 19th April 2009
♣ Last updated : 27th January 2014

♣ Script used : Enthusiast
♣ FL Owner : Natsuko Kuroigawa

Natsuko Kuroigawa last checked this fanlisting for new members on 22th July 2014.

Part of...

Recent Site Updates

~ Natsuko Kuroigawa, 09th July 2011 ~

2 new affiliates added! Thank you so much for affiliating with me~! <3

~ Natsuko Kuroigawa, 07th May 2009 ~

10 new codes added!

This new round of codes consist on 4 50x50, 2 88x31 and 4 100x50. Enjoy~! ;)

~ Natsuko Kuroigawa, 02nd May 2009 ~

I applied for this fanlisting at The Anime Fanlistings a couple of days ago and today I received the approval. So now I added a link to said network as well in this page... ;)

Thanks a bunch for the approval~! <3 A finished form shall be arriving to you soon! ^o^

Also, the code gallery was recently updated with 5 new codes, 1 50x50 and 4 75x50. More codes for the remaining sizes shall be coming soon... ;)

~ Natsuko Kuroigawa, 19th April 2009 ~

I had the idea for this layout for a while ago, but it wasn't until now that I got to finally work on it. The outcome was indeed better than what I planned at first, so I'm truly happy with how the whole thing turned out.

The deadline for me to have this fanlisting finished is in a couple of days, so by now we could consider this fanlisting complete.

I already had a few codes to begin with, so all of the fanlisting sections are online by now. ;)

However, the layout itself isn't 100% complete: I'd like adding an image with the disclaimer and such, instead of a couple of text links like the ones that are currently being displayed at the bottom of all the pages. Hopefully I'll be able to handle that next weekend.

I'll be kind of busy with some practices I need to hand over this week at the university, so that's why I highly doubt I'll get this done before Friday.

Anyway! I hope you enjoy how the whole layout turned and out, and if you happen to be a fan of Alicia and Rufus, you're more than welcome to join this fanlisting! ;) Enjoy your visit~! <3

Disclaimer & Credits

Design & Maintaining (c) Natsuko Kuroigawa

| Lonely-Princess.ORG | Kyuusho.NET | Shatter-Heart.NET |