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Welcome to Tethe'alla, dear visitorYou've just made your way into The Chosen of My Heart, the Fanlistings Network and The Anime Fanlistings Network approved fanlisting for the relationship between Zelos Wilder and Sheena Fujibayashi from Tales of Symphonia.If you happen to be a fan of the special relationship between these two, I hope you consider joining this fanlisting and, if you own a website, showing your love by using one of our codes to link back here. If you would like to know more about what a fanlisting is all about, then you might want to head over here and find out. With that said, please, feel free to take a look around and enjoy your stay~! Fanlisting Statistics
Most Recent UpdatesToday I received an approval for this fanlisting over at TAFL, so now it covers the relationship between Sheena and Zelos in both game and manga / anime series!!! Thanks a bunch for the wonderful approval!!! I love you, guys~!!! <3~ Natsuko Kuroigawa, 02nd September 2009 As promised, today I made some new codes for the fanlisting. The additions are 9 50x50, 6 100x50, 4 88x31, 4 100x35 and 10 75x50. Enjoy~! <3~ Natsuko Kuroigawa, 17th August 2009 The site is now online! :3The layout took me the whole afternoon, but I think it was worth it. I didn't expect to come up with anything good considering how close the deadline was and that I have yet another fanlisting on upcoming that needs to be up in 2 days, but in the end I was really surprised and pleased with the outcome. I uploaded all the fanlisting sections already, so any Sheelos fan is now able to join. I still need to add some more content to the information pages and also new codes. I'll do my best to add as much codes as I can today. The content sections will be filled in eventually, I'm not in a rush for that... XD Now I'll send a finished form over at TFL and with that and a few more codes I'll be done for today. Now, please, enjoy this brand new fanlisting~! <3 ~ Natsuko Kuroigawa, 16th August 2009 |