1. This one is obvious, but anyway... ^^' You MUST be a fan of Gaara & Sakura's relationship. Why else would you join? ^.~2. When you fill in the form you have to select your country.
3. Also you must provide a valid e-mail address.
If you get any message error when you write your email address, make sure you didn't use any capital letters when you wrote it.
4. If you have a website and want me to link back to it, you'll need to put a link back here somewhere in your site.
You may use one of our codes if you wish. ^^
If when I visit your site I cannot find the code, you'll be, of course, listed, but I won't link back to it.
5. Please, don't direct link to my codes.
Upload them to your own server instead, or use any free image hosting such as Photobucket.