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If you have a website and you would like to submit it when joining this fanlisting, remeber you will need to put a link back here anywhere in yours before or right after you join if you want it to appear in the member list.

When linking back, do it to the following URL:


Both text links and image links are fine. If you choose the last thing, feel free to use any of the codes listed bellow to link back.

Also, if you choose to make your own, I hope you consider sending them to me so I can list them here along with the others for more people to use!

Donations will be greatly appreciated anytime, and full credit will be given, so don't forget to provide me a url to link back when I publish your codes if you have any! ^^

Available Sizes

50x50 88x31 75x50 100x35 100x50

Code Gallery


~ Older Codes ~





The Chosen of My Heart is owned and maintained by Natsuko Kuroigawa, who also designed it.
Zelos, Sheena and Tales of Symphonia are property of Namco.

Giant Bomb Awardspace Kyuusho Aethereality Indiscripts