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1. This one is obvious, but anyway... ^^' You MUST be a fan of the relationship between Sheena and Zelos. Why else would you join, anyway? ^.~
It doesn't matter whether you like them as friends, lovers or something else. If you like their relationship in any way, you're more than welcome to join.

2. When you fill in the form you have to select your country.

3. Also you must provide a valid e-mail address.
If you get any message error when you write your email address, make sure you didn't use any capital letters when you wrote it.

4. If you have a website and want me to link back to it, you'll need to put a link back here somewhere in your site. You may use one of our codes if you wish. ^^
If when I visit your site I cannot find the code, you'll be, of course, listed, but I won't link back to you.

5. Please, don't direct link to my codes.
Upload them to your own server instead, or use any free image hosting such as Photobucket.
My current host has disabled hotlinking, so even if you do try to direct link to any of my images, they won't show up in your site.

(*) NOTE: If you wish to update your currently listed information, then, please, use this other form instead.

Join the fanlisting

Please use the form below for joining the fanlisting. Please hit the submit button only once. Your entry is fed instantly into the database, and your email address is checked for duplicates. Passwords are encrypted into the database and will not be seen by anyone else other than you. If left blank, a password will be generated for you.

If you encounter problems, please feel free to .

The fields with asterisks (*) are required fields.

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Powered by Enthusiast 3

The Chosen of My Heart is owned and maintained by Natsuko Kuroigawa, who also designed it.
Zelos, Sheena and Tales of Symphonia are property of Namco.

Giant Bomb Awardspace Kyuusho Aethereality Indiscripts